By discovering how to save nature, we can inspire everyone to work with us to protect wildlife in the last wild places on Earth.
Protected Areas
We assist governments and communities to protect the natural systems critical to saving wildlife and wild places, securing valuable flows of ecosystems services and local livelihoods based on principles of social and environmental sustainability.
Act NowCommunities
We partner with indigenous and local people in achieving their vision for a more secure and resilient future, where wildlife remains a visible and culturally valued part of the wild places where they live.
Act NowCombating Wildlife Trafficking
We use our local presence and global influence to stop wildlife poaching, block trafficking across transit routes, and reduce demand for wildlife and wildlife products.
Act NowOceans and Fisheries
We work with our local and government partners to protect the earth's oceans, coastlines, inland waters, and marine life, and also to provide billions of people with food and livelihood security.
Act NowWildlife Management
We take action to minimize threats to wildlife so that species populations are stable or increasing, to ensure that hunting and fishing are sustainable, and to see that conflicts between people and wildlife are resolved.
Act NowAddressing Climate Change
We apply our science to discover how best to limit the impacts of climate change on ecosystems, wildlife, and people, increasing resilience and providing insurance against a rapidly changing world.
Act NowWe engage in a broad array of conservation science and policy interventions to enable our conservation solutions.
Conservation Science
Science helps us discover and understand the natural world. And we use the knowledge gained to engage and inspire decision-makers, communities, and millions of supporters to take action with us.
Act NowInternational Policy
We contribute our scientific, technical, and policy expertise to international discussions between governments and to influence international policies and commitments that will benefit wildlife and wild places.
Act NowBuilding Conservation Capacity
We are dedicated to building leadership capacity for wildlife conservation on a global scale by providing support and mentoring to the best and the brightest young conservationists to become the conservation leaders of tomorrow.
Act NowFederal Affairs
WCS’s Federal Affairs office is an interface between our conservation experts and policy decision-makers in Washington, D.C.
Act NowRead More
On our strategies to address the most pressing challenges to long-term conservation.
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