Five Things You Can Do For Wildlife
March 3, 2017
1. Stop the Superhighway!
Nigeria's Cross River State is planning a superhighway that would destroy rainforest habitat for some of the most endangered species on Earth, including forest elephants and Cross River gorillas. The Ekuri people—who have managed land there for thousands of years—are standing up to protect their ancestral forest and the wildlife that lives there. Lend your voice in support.
2. Protect the Hudson Canyon!
Just 100 miles from Manhattan, the Hudson Canyon is a national treasure—an underwater version of the Grand Canyon that's also critical habitat for whales, sea turtles, and hundreds of other species. It should be a National Marine Sanctuary. NOAA has signaled that this magnificent seascape will be considered for protection—but they need to hear from you today!
3. Use the tiger stamp!
Your purchase benefits conservation funds that are helping create hope for the future.Featuring a bold graphic of an Amur tiger cub, the artwork of the Save Vanishing Species™ First-Class Semipostal stamp depicts just one of the magnificent animals that it is designed to help. Order your stamps here.
4. Make a donation to WCS!
When you make a gift to WCS, you're joining a community that's on the frontlines of the fight to save wildlife, securing a future these species might otherwise never have. Tigers, gorillas, elephants, and other threatened wildlife are counting on you. Join us by making a tax-deductible gift today.
5. Parrot the cause to your friends!
Click the Facebook, Twitter, or email button at the top of this page and let your friends and family know how they can help wildlife today. Thank you for all you do!
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Your tax-deductible gift supports cutting-edge exhibits, first-class animal care, and in-depth research to help threatened wildlife survive and thrive.
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