No Poaching in Niassa

June 18, 2019

WIth our partners, we've reported an astounding success, registering zero instances of elephant poaching for the past 12 months in Mozambique’s Niassa National Reserve, a massive protected area plagued by rampant wildlife crime just a few years ago.

Conservationists attribute the elimination of poaching in the park to a collaborative effort with the Government of Mozambique and concession operators there, combined with the deployment of a special police rapid intervention unit; an increased aviation program providing surveillance and the deployment of a helicopter and Cessna aircraft; and tough new sentencing of poachers.

Niassa was the site of nearly catastrophic elephant poaching, primarily from 2009 to 2014, which cut the population to an estimated 3,675 as recorded in a 2016 aerial survey from what was a fairly steady average estimate of 12,000 between 2000 and 2011.

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