Cuts to U.S. Foreign Aid Would Devastate Wildlife
May 23, 2017

The proposed reductions to U.S. foreign assistance and development included in FY18 budget request would be devastating to wildlife around the world. The aid is vital to programs that help countries conserve their natural resources, protect their endangered wildlife, and combat the forces of transnational organized crime, including wildlife trafficking.
"American security and global leadership depends on equal parts defense, diplomacy and development; without strong support for all three, the world is a more dangerous place," said WCS President and CEO Cristián Samper as part of a joint statement issued by WCS, the World Wildlife Fund, and The Nature Conservancy. "Development assistance, through efforts to improve lives, enhance good governance and support law enforcement for issues like wildlife trafficking is key to a safe, prosperous and healthy planet and I encourage Congress to fully support such measures."
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