Why WCS?
50+ percent
We collaborate with local governments to conserve greater than 50% of the world’s remaining wild tigers.
75+ percent
WCS is a leader in both tiger conservation and tiger science. WCS scientists have been responsible for over 75% of all peer-reviewed published tiger research.
8 range states
WCS works to conserve tigers in 8 of the 10 remaining range states in Asia.
On Our Strategies
Protecting Tigers and Their Habitat
WCS provides key technical support to local governments regarding tigers that assists in the creation and expansion of dozens of protected areas (PAs) across Asia, thereby protecting thousands of square kilometers of tiger habitat. In addition, WCS provides technical support and intelligence to park rangers and local enforcement agencies that enables the capture of hundreds of illegal poachers and traffickers of tigers and their prey.
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Read the storyDiverse Coalition of Organizations Brings Unity and Focus to Recover Tigers and their Habitats by 2034
As Tiger Range Countries launch a new 12-year range-wide recovery plan for tigers, released today in conjunction with Global Tiger Day, a diverse group of tiger conservation organizations and multilateral agencies announced a coalition to support...
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