
In the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, war and insecurity over the past two decades have had a devastating impact on Grauer's gorillas, a subspecies of the Eastern gorilla. Recent WCS surveys show declines of 80–90%. Among gorillas, they are not alone.


Beyond insecurity, the main threats to these animals are hunting (especially for bushmeat), habitat loss, and disease (namely Ebola). Also, gorillas' very slow reproductive rate means that if an adult is killed, it takes over a decade to replace him or her as a breeding individual.

Our Goal

Work with range states, with local people, and our partners to maximize our conservation reach and impact for gorillas.

Our strategies toward this include:

Why WCS?

7 countries

WCS works in seven African countries critical to the survival of gorillas.

20 percent

WCS is a world leader in monitoring wildlife populations, active in several important long-term protected areas in the Republic of Congo, such as the Nouabale-Ndoki National Park. We've shown that the north of this country contains perhaps half or more of the world’s total gorilla population. This is within less than 20% of their total range.

What's at Stake?

Gorillas are hugely important in maintaining the diversity of Central Africa's forests. They disperse tree species whose seeds are too big for other animals to swallow (apart from elephants). Without this service, the trees would be unable to reproduce and the forests would be irreversibly changed.

On Our Strategies

Combat Habitat Loss

New protected areas have been created specifically to protect gorillas in both Cameroon and Congo in the last few years, as a result of WCS surveys, which showed the importance of these areas for the animals. Agricultural zoning also helps, steering a planned oil palm plantation to areas of degraded land rather than primary rainforest. Habitats known to harbor important gorilla populations within a large logging concessions can be set aside as conservation areas, as well.

Combat Ebola

In addition to the monitoring work described, WCS has helped make groundbreaking steps in the methods of studying the virus. In 2014, a group of international scientists led by WCS researchers published a paper on the use of fecal samples to identify populations likely to have been exposed to it. This could potentially change the way the Ebola virus is studied and improve our understanding of the virus' distribution in space and time—a matter of great importance to both the human health and conservation communities.

Combat Illegal Killing

Our work on the ground includes the implementation of SMART (the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool), which tracks the success of anti-poaching efforts and helps improve the way they're carried out.

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