Samarkand, Uzbekistan
February 12–17
The Convention on Migratory Species COP14 Marks Another Positive Step by the Global Community on Behalf of Nature and People

“Migratory wild animals, more than any others, need collaboration between governments, conservation organizations, civil society, and communities across their range,” said Susan Lieberman, VP of International Policy for the Wildlife Conservation Society, in a statement.
Why CMS is Important: Video with WCS Vice President for International Policy Susan Lieberman
Policy Recommendations
There are a number of species that are proposed to be included on the Appendices to CMS at CoP14 (CMS Appendix I provides maximum protection, and CMS Appendix II requires transboundary collaboration and cooperation).
In particular, WCS is working with our government and other partners in championing three proposals:
- To include the Critically Endangered sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) in Appendices I and II
- To include two catfish of the Amazon basin (the gilded catfish or dorado, Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii, and the laulao catfish or piramutaba, Brachyplatystoma vailantii) in Appendix II
- To include the guanaco (Lama guanaco), a species found in the Andes in South America, in Appendix II
In addition, WCS will engage in policy discussions relevant to: ecological integrity and connectivity; wildlife disease and pathogen spillover; the threat of over-exploitation and trade (domestic and international) to migratory species; the impact of climate change on migratory species; Central Asian Migratory Mammals; African carnivores; jaguars; sharks and rays; and many other species and issues.
WCS Wild Audio
The Push to Unite the Amazon Basin Around a Pair of Catfish
Many people think of the Amazon as this vast, highly intact tropical forest, but it is also the largest freshwater system in the world. It’s the most biologically diverse place on Earth. Home to hundreds of Indigenous Peoples and traditional cultures. And also, two important species of catfish. Those will be up for discussion at the upcoming Convention on Migratory Species meeting.
Amazon Catfish Must Be Protected by the Convention on Migratory Species COP14

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